LAST UPDATED: December 7th, 2023
You probably already know how important testosterone is.
It’s the most important male hormone indeed.
Testosterone is responsible for your muscle mass, libido, strength, endurance, secondary sex characteristics.
And it’s absolutely necessary if you want to gain muscle mass.
Why do testosterone levels drop?
There are different reasons that cause low testosterone levels.
The levels of this male hormone drop naturally as we age, but on top of that, there are some things that affect testosterone negatively.
Things that can have a bad impact on your testosterone levels besides testicular diseases are obesity, physical inactivity, stress, alcohol.
The most common symptoms of low testosterone are erectile dysfunction, low libido, problems with mental health, focus and obesity.
How to boost your testosterone?
There are different things you can do in order to boost your testosterone.
Changing lifestyle (working out, diet habits, good sleep, supplementation) is essential.
Exercising is one of those things. (2)
Also, you should eat foods that boost testosterone.
Moreover, the intake of certain vitamins and minerals can boost your testosterone, too.
So, let’s see which vitamins and minerals are important for testosterone.
If you want to boost testosterone faster I suggest taking Testo Prime, natural supplement made of plant extracts, vitamins and minerals.
Best Vitamins That Boost Testosterone
1. Zinc
Many minerals affect the process of producing anabolic hormones, but zinc is for sure the most important one. (3)
Different studies and research show that zinc is essential when it comes to boosting testosterone levels.
Studies done on healthy men proved that their levels of testosterone increased up to 90 % when they took zinc supplements.
The mineral zinc is vitally important for the excretion of testosterone and taking zinc as a supplement significantly increases the production of testosterone.
The best source of zinc is food- besides a diet high in meat and fish include fresh milk (unpasteurized), cheese, beans, yogurt, and kefir.
Bear in mind that the nutritious value of your meals depends also on the way you cook your ingredients, so try to avoid overcooking your food.
If you decide to take zinc as a supplement, your daily dose shouldn’t be higher than 40 mg.
Too much zinc can negatively affect the absorption of other minerals (such as iron) and it can cause nausea.
2. Vitamin D
Vitamin D3, the steroid hormone, is essential for the healthy development of the sperm cells and it helps to maintain quality semen.
This vitamin also increases the levels of testosterone and your libido.
Obese men who had a problem with testosterone excretion took vitamin D in order to solve the problem.
Vitamin D is naturally produced when you spend time in sunlight.
If you can’t spend time sunbathing, you can visit tanning studios. Vitamin D can also be taken as a supplement.
But, you need to make some blood tests and consult your doctor first so that the dose of vitamin D you are going to take corresponds to your needs.
The level of vitamin D in healthy men is 50-70 ng/ml.
3. Vitamin A
Vitamin A has an important role in testosterone production.
A bigger concentration of vitamin A in the testicles increases the excretion of testosterone.
Vitamin A also reduces the production of estrogen.
Green veggies (green salad, kale), carrot, fish (tuna) are high in this vitamin.
4. Vitamin C
Besides the fact that it is an antioxidant that it improves your health and boosts your immune system, vitamin C is responsible for the reaction of the pituitary gland to the hormonal changes in your body, forming basic steroid hormones in the adrenal gland, and controlling stress hormone cortisol.
Scientists have proven that taking high doses of vitamin C before an intense physical activity can reduce the production of cortisol- a hormone that decreases the levels of testosterone and negatively affects the immune system.
In addition, a lack of vitamin C can increase the level of an enzyme called aromatase.
This enzyme converts testosterone to estrogen.
5. Vitamin B6
Vitamin B6 has a really important role for many functions in your body, including testosterone production.
By stimulating the androgen receptors in your body, vitamin B6 signals the testicles to produce more testosterone.
6. Magnesium
It’s vital for your reproductive health, but unfortunately, it’s difficult to intake magnesium through food.
That’s why try magnesium supplements.
You can read more about magnesium for muscles here.
7. Vitamin E (tocopherol)
Vitamin E is an antioxidant that protects the function of testosterone and it’s vital to intake this vitamin.
8. Selenium
Selenium is a powerful antioxidant that affects fertility by boosting spermatogenesis and sexual function.
It’s necessary for a healthy prostate and for the production of testosterone.
If you want to boost testosterone, increase muscle mass, strength, endurance and libido, I suggest you read more about the best testosterone booster made of the above-mentioned vitamins and minerals.
There are different products that can help you but I suggest using only supplements made of natural ingredients.
The best testosterone supplement is called Testo Prime.
Testo Prime Review
How does Testo Prime work?
The mix of natural ingredients will increase testosterone levels in your bloodstream.
Also, Testo Prime boosts protein synthesis important for muscle growth.
Furthermore, it will boost your focus and energy.
Testo Prime is especially effective if you are constantly tired and stressed.
What separates Testo Prime from other test boosters are its clinically tested, proved testosterone-boosting ingredients.
Testo Prime is the best testosterone booster on the market.
Testo Prime ingredients
It’s made of 12 clinically tested ingredients:
- Ashwagandha extract – clinically tested ingredient, that boosts testosterone, energy, focus, and endurance. Also improves sleep quality, reduces stress, and boosts metabolism.
- Panax Ginseng – a plant extract that increases your libido and carries oxygen to your muscles, so improves endurance and reduces fatigue
- Fenugreek– a plant extract that blocks estrogen production, boosts libido, and increases your strength
- D-aspartic acid – an amino acid that boosts testosterone production by 50%
- Green tea – helps maintain testosterone levels, speeds up the metabolism
- Pomegranate extract – improves sexual performance and increases penis blood flow, reduces fatigue
- Vitamin D – also increases the levels of testosterone and your libido. Improves your immune system.
- Zinc – vitally important for the excretion of testosterone. Best testosterone boosting mineral.
- B5 vitamin– converts fat layers into energy.
- B6 vitamin – by stimulating the androgen receptors in your body, vitamin B6 signals the testicles to produce more testosterone.
- Garlic extract – boosts T levels, overall health, and metabolism. Don’t worry, your breath isn’t going to be bad.
- Black pepper (piperine) – helps all the above-mentioned ingredients to be absorbed well.
You can read more and check the price here.
Best Vitamins That Boost Testosterone – Bottom Line:
The best minerals and vitamins you should take to raise testosterone levels, muscle and strength are:
- Zinc
- Vitamin D
- Vitamin A
- Magnesium
- Vitamin C
- Vitamin B6
- Selenium
- Vitamin E
The best natural supplement to boost testosterone levels is Testo Prime.

My name is Cliff and I am a personal coach, sports lover, fitness enthusiast and author of MusclesMagician. I have 15+ years of experience in fitness and bodybuilding and I want to share it with you. I am here to help you build muscles and lose fat faster.
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