LAST UPDATE: January 4th, 2024
Besides those extra pounds, many of my male clients have another unpleasant problem- man boobs, man chest, moobs, or whatever you like to call this condition.
Of course, man boobs are often related to being overweight, but you can see many skinny guys with boobs, and believe it or not a muscular body with man boobs is very common.
The most common cause of man boobs besides obesity is definitely gynecomastia and excess fat in your chest area.
So, we’ll see how to fight man boobs and why is Gynectrol the best natural supplement that will help you.
What Is Gynecomastia?
Gynecomastia appears because of a chest and not fat tissue, as a result of imbalanced levels of the testosterone and estrogen hormones.
Gynecomastia is activated when the levels of testosterone are reduced compared to the levels of estrogen.
And boobs (breast tissue) grow because of estrogen.
The causes of this reduction can be conditions that block the effects of testosterone, conditions that decrease the level of testosterone or increase the level of estrogen. (1)
So, basically, man boobs happen as a result of hormonal imbalance in your body.
Excess Fat in Chest
When you eat food high in calories your body stores it.
And how it stores it depends on your genetics.
Some people have good genes and no matter how much fat they eat they are skinny and they don’t have problem with excess fat (breasts augmentation).
However, the rest of us isn’t that lucky.
So, if you have extra body fat on your chest you can thank genetics.
But, if you eat too much fat and your body can’t store all of that properly, some of it ends up on your chest, regardless of genetics.
In that case, we are talking about adipomastia or lipomastia.
How to Fight Gynecomastia and Get Rid of Man Boobs?
There are different things that can lower your testosterone and raise estrogen.
So, proper diet and exercise are very important if you want to prevent this condition and burn fat.
But to be really honest – losing man boobs can be really hard.
Many guys went to surgery in order to solve this problem.
But what if I tell you that you can lose man boobs without surgery using a natural supplement?
Yes, it is possible.
The supplement I am talking about is Gynectrol.
Many of the guys at the gym used this supplement and they lost man boobs.
So, I decided to write a detailed Gynectrol review.
Gynectrol Review 2024
What is Gynectrol?
This is a natural product that will help you burn fat in your chest area (I don’t approve of steroids and I’m suggesting using only natural products).
Gynectrol is one of the best supplements to get rid of man boobs.
It is manufactured by the leader in the men’s supplements market, Crazy Bulk.
And what is most important – Gynectrol is made of natural ingredients.
Benefits of Gynectrol:
- You will lose man boobs once it for all
- You will increase the fat-burning rate
- And You will boost your metabolism
Who Should Use Gynectrol?
Tell me if the answer to the following questions is yes:
Do you have bigger boobs similar to the female breast?
Do you have extra fat around your chest, shoulders, and neck?
And do you feel ashamed when you need to take off your shirt?
Or do you feel uncomfortable at the gym because of your man boobs?
Are you less confident when it comes to sex because of man boobs?
If you answered any of these questions positively, then this supplement is definitely for you.
Who shouldn’t use it?
Of course, this supplement is not for women.
It’s for guys only.
But if you are a guy and you think you will take this pill and lose man boobs in a day, then this supplement is not for you.
Gynectrol can help you lose moobs, but not that fast.
It takes time, but you will be satisfied in the end for sure.
How does it work?
Gynectrol helps you reduce man boobs thanks to the mix of natural ingredients.
These ingredients will reduce the level of estrogen in your body, raise the level of testosterone, and destroy fat cells in your chest.
You can see every ingredient explained below.
Gynectrol ingredients:
- Chromium picolinate – natural fat burner, basically converts fat into energy, helps reduce male breast
- Caffeine – combined with other ingredients helps you maximize burning fat in your chest
- Guggulsterones – powerful natural fat burner that helps you reduce fat layers on your chest
- Sclareoides – plant extract, it lowers the level of estrogen and raises testosterone.
- Theobromine cacao – contains amino acids necessary for muscle gain. Also, it boosts your testosterone and magnesium.
- Green tea extract – one of the best natural fat burners, burns body fat
These ingredients are backed up by science with a lot of documentation that proves that (manufacturer claim).
How to take Gynectrol?
You should take 2 capsules per day.
I suggest you take it half an hour before breakfast.
Make sure you take capsules with enough water.
For best results, take it for at least 3 months.
You can see visible results already after 4 weeks.
My last client that used Gynectrol noticed an improvement just after a month and he totally got rid of man boobs in 3 months.
You should see some results in the first 30 days.
Gynectrol Review: Testimonials and Results
Here you can see some comments from guys that took Gynectrol supplement:
Gynectrol Review: Before and After Pictures
Of course, not everyone is satisfied.
Guys who didn’t get rid of man boobs and used Gynectrol didn’t follow the rules regarding fitness and nutrition.
As I already mentioned this is not a magical supplement that will make man boobs vanish after one day.
Everything takes time.
Be disciplined while taking Gynectrol and you will have positive results for sure.
Gynectrol side effects and safety
Gynectrol is one of the safest supplements.
Because it is made only with natural ingredients.
There are no side effects.
Of course, if you have any doubts consult your doctor.
Gynectrol for sale: Where to buy and price
The only place you can buy Gynectrol is on the official website.
The website is really good.
There is a bunch of information and 24/7 live support.
The price for one month’s supply is 61.99 $.
If you buy 2 bottles you will get one for free and a free guide for 123.98$.
That means you can start losing man boobs for only 1.33$ per day!
And the guide is actually very helpful. You will get detailed training and nutrition advice, everything you need to know about gynecomastia and much more.
Shipping is free over the world (no matter if you order from the USA, the United Kingdom, India or Australia).
Also, buy now pay later is available – you can buy supplement now and pay it over 3 or 4 months.
And you will get a 60-day money-back guarantee.
Gynectrol cons
- You should take 2 capsules per day (this can be a bit boring).
- The only place you can buy is on the official website
Gynectrol pros
- The natural supplement, no side effects
- 100% getting rid of man boobs in 3 months
- Affordable price, free shipping, money-back guarantee
Gynectrol Review – what’s the bottom line?
Gynecomastia is a huge problem not only for your health and looks.
It can affect your self-confidence and sex life, too.
So, it would be best if you found a way to fight and fix this problem.
And Gynectrol can help you do that.
It is a safe, natural supplement that helped a lot of guys get rid of man boobs.
You can read more here:

My name is Cliff and I am a personal coach, sports lover, fitness enthusiast and author of MusclesMagician. I have 15+ years of experience in fitness and bodybuilding and I want to share it with you. I am here to help you build muscles and lose fat faster.
I used it one month now and i noticed slight chest fat reduce. I’m definitely starting a second bottle