LAST UPDATED: March 30th, 2021
Another article in my corona lockdown series.
I already wrote about tips on how to exercise during the corona pandemic.
You can check that article here.
I got so many messages about supplementation during the lockdown, so I decided to write an article about that.
Should you use supplements during the lockdown?
If you exercise at home and you are following my tips from the previous articles then my answer is yes, of course.
My answer is to continue using supplements you were using and exercise regularly. (1)
Your muscles don’t know that there is a lockdown so if you don’t do anything you will lose muscle mass and get fat layers.
Of course, you already know that I approve only natural supplements, not steroids.
So, let’s see what are the best supplements you should use during corona lockdown.
Best Fitness Supplement to Use During Quarantine in 2021
1. DBAL – the best supplement for muscle growth
DBAL is the best natural alternative to anabolic steroid Dianabol. (2)
If you are a skinny guy, you have problems with muscle growth then this is the best bodybuilding supplement you should use during the lockdown.
How does it work?
DBAL speeds up your metabolism, protein synthesis, and it enables a positive nitrogen balance.
That allows your muscles to grow faster, it increases your strength while it reduces the time your body needs to recover from your training.
This is an oral supplement.
You should take 3 capsules half an hour before your workout.
Due to natural ingredients, there are no side effects.
DBAL ingredients:
- L-Isoleucine – an amino acid that boosts your nitrogen level.
- Magnesium – The most important mineral for muscle mass, the nervous system; it helps you recover faster.
- Vitamin D3 – Improves your immune system, contributes to the maintenance of normal muscle function.
- Suma root – Plant extract, a powerful antioxidant.
- Ashwagandha – Plant extract, increases muscle mass and strength.
- MSM – Reduced muscle and joint pain after a workout.
- Hyaluronic Acid – Speeds up tendon to bone healing.
- Tribulus Terrestris – a plant extract, the strongest natural testosterone booster.
DBAL price
The price for a month package is 59.99$.
If you select to buy 3 bottles, you will pay for 2 and you will get an additional one for free. The price for this is 119.98$.
Shipping is free and there is a 60-day money-back guarantee.
2. Trenorol – best supplement for lean muscles
Trenorol is the best supplement you should use if you want a ripped, lean body. (3)
How does it work?
Trenorol boosts nitrogen retention, protein synthesis and enhances the oxygen flow in your body.
All of this is important to make an anabolic environment necessary for your muscles to grow.
Especially lean muscles, because Trenorol helps your body burn excess fat layers (which are easy to get in quarantine).
On workout days, you should take 3 capsules before your workout.
On non-workout days you should take one capsule before dinner.
Trenorol is made only of natural ingredients so there are no side effects.
Trenorol ingredients
- Beta-Sitosterol – helps you increase muscles by stimulating free testosterone. It also lowers estrogen.
- Nettle leaf extract – It helps you get rid of excessive water and that makes your muscles more visible.
- Samento Inner Bark – it improves your immune system, helps you recover faster, boosts your strength.
- Pepsin – an enzyme that helps your body to get all the protein you intake so your muscles can grow.
Trenorol price
The price for a month package is 61.99$.
If you select to buy 3 bottles, you will pay for 2 and you will get an additional one for free. The price for this is 123.98$.
Shipping is free and there is a 60-day money-back guarantee.
3. Clenbutrol – Best for Reducing Fat Layers
This is the best fat-burning supplement. (4)
And one of the best fitness supplements to use during quarantine.
Clenbutrol is one of the best fitness supplements to use in quarantine if you want to burn fat.
How does it work?
Clenbutrol Increases your fat-burning rate and helps you lose weight without losing lean muscles.
You should take 3 pills per day.
It is best to take them with a lot of water.
I suggest you take them an hour before your workout.
Side effects are very rare.
Clenbutrol ingredients
- Garcinia cambogia – a Southeast Asian plant extract, popular weight loss fruit which increases fat burning
- Vitamin B3 – improves your immune system and gives you energyGuarana extract – a natural stimulant, boosts your metabolism
- Citrus aurantium –natural fat burner, it contains synephrine that increases thermogenesis (the fat burning process).
Clenbutrol price
The price for a month package is 61.99$.
If you select to buy 3 bottles, you will pay for 2 and you will get an additional one for free. The price for this is 123.98$.
Shipping is free and there is a 60-day money-back guarantee.
4. Gynectrol – Best to Lose Man Boobs
If you have man boobs and you are overeating during the lockdown, this is the best supplement for you. (5)
How does it work?
Gynectrol helps you reduce man boobs thanks to the mix of natural ingredients.
These ingredients will reduce the level of estrogen in your body, raise the level of testosterone, and destroy fat cells in your chest.
You should take 2 capsules per day.
I suggest you take it half an hour before breakfast.
For best results, take it for at least 3 months.
Gynectrol is one of the safest supplements.
Gynectrol ingredients:
- Chromium – natural fat burner, basically converts fat into energy
- Caffeine – combined with other ingredients helps you maximize burning fat in your chest
- Guggulsterones – powerful natural fat burner, helps you reduce fat layers on your chest
- Sclareoides – it lowers the level of estrogen and raises testosterone.
- Theobromine cacao – contains the amino acid necessary for muscle gain. Also, it boosts your testosterone and magnesium.
- Green tea – one of the best natural fat burners
Gynectrol price
The price for a month’s supply is 61.99 $.
If you buy 2 bottles you will get one for free and a free guide for 123.98$.
Shipping is free and there is a 60-day money-back guarantee.
You can read more here:

My name is Cliff and I am a personal coach, sports lover, fitness enthusiast and author of MusclesMagician. I have 15+ years of experience in fitness and bodybuilding and I want to share it with you. I am here to help you build muscles and lose fat faster.
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