LAST UPDATED: December 18th, 2022
I remember standing in front of the mirror when I was 15-16 years old.
I was like a skeleton.
Unfortunately (or not) in that period I didn’t have a phone with a camera, so I don’t have a picture to show you.
If I find one, I’ll scan it so that you can see it.
The only wish I had those days was to put some weight.
To become big like Hulk π
Today, I am 32 and I gain weight and muscles, but I don’t want any more weight.
It is harder to maintain your ideal weight as you age.
So, I want to tell you how to gain weight healthily.
I’m not talking about muscles only.
Today, I am talking about weight in general.
How to make the scales show 160 pounds instead of 120 pounds?
So let’s start.
How to gain weight healthily?
If you want to gain weight naturally, it’s very important to do that the right way.
Some will say eat donuts, burgers, pancakes, and on top of that drink sodas.
Yes, that’s one of the ways, but to get fat layers and do harm to your health.
Skinny guys like me once need to reach a balanced amount of muscle mass, and not a pile of unhealthy belly fats.
It’s necessary to eat healthily and to have a good lifestyle.
One of the ways to achieve that is calorie surplus.
You intake more calories than you spend.
By doing that you gradually increase your weight.
Intake 300-500 calories more than you spend a day.
If you want more extreme results then intake 700-1000 calories additionally per day.
What food to eat?
Proteins are the most important to gain muscle mass and weight.
Your muscles are built of proteins and without them, the additional calories will end up like fats.
That’s why you need to eat high-protein foods.
But, make sure you don’t exaggerate with protein foods, as well.
When you eat too many proteins, your appetite decreases, and that’s not good when you want to get bigger.
To gain weight you need to intake 1-1,25 gr of proteins per pound of body weight. (1)
High-protein foods are poultry, meat, eggs, fish, legumes, and nuts.
If you don’t take enough proteins through food, use supplements such as whey protein.
Next are carbs.
You need to increase the intake of carbs and fats, too.
Complex carbs, in particular.
I wrote about that in my article about what to eat before and after a workout.
Carbs and fats are your body’s basic fuel.
Fats are important because without them your diet is low in calories, and that means you can’t create a calorie surplus.
As I mentioned, you need to eat complex carbs and healthy fats.
Make every meal balanced, containing proteins, carbs, and fats.
Intake ingredients high in energy.
For example, chocolate milk helped me.
Add an extra snack whenever possible, like before sleeping.
The issue with those ingredients is that they make you feel full fast and that makes it harder to intake more calories.
A little tip, don’t drink water before your meals.
That reduces your appetite.
If you are thirsty, drink a glass of full-fat milk which contains calories and quality proteins.
Fool your brain.
Use bigger plates so that you feel you can eat more.
Get a good night’s sleep.
Sleeping well is very important for your muscles’ growth.
How to eat?
First, eat food high in proteins, for instance, meat.
Leave veggies for the end of the meal.
Eat the most caloric food at the beginning of your meal, when you are hungry.
Then eat proteins and in the end everything else.
Start doing exercise.
As I said, I want to show you how to gain weight so that you can build muscles at the gym.
You need to work out if you want the extra energy to turn into muscles and not into fat.
Start with cardio exercises, then continue with strength exercises, and gradually increase the weight you are working out with.
Cardio exercises are good for your stamina, but to gain weight you need strength exercises since that’s how you build muscles.
And bigger muscles mean bigger weight.
You can read more about the best workout for skinny guys here.
How to Gain Weight Healthily – What to Eat:
Here you can see what food to eat if you want to gain some weight:
- Nuts: almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts, peanuts, cashews.
- Dried fruit: raisins, dates, plums.
- Dairy products: full-fat milk and yogurt, cheese, sour cream.
- Healthy fat and oils: olive oil, flaxseed, sesame.
- Whole wheat grain: rice, oats.
- Meat: poultry, lamb, beef, pork.
- Veggies: sweet potato.
- Other foods like peanut butter, chocolate milk, avocado, dark chocolate, and coconut milk.
How to Gain Weight and Muscles Faster?
If you want to gain weight faster you should combine the above-mentioned tips with the best weight gainer.
And if you think I will show you a steroid that will build your body overnight then you are wrong.
I suggest taking only natural supplements.
The best supplement to gain weight healthily is Mass Gainer.
This supplement is made of the 4 most important natural ingredients for weight gain and muscle growth.
But what makes Mass Gainer different from other weight gain supplements is the combination of the above-mentioned ingredients that will help you gain weight and muscles without erratic blood sugar spikes, gas, or bloating.
Also, Mass Gainer doesnβt have the dangerous ingredient maltodextrin like most other supplements.
Besides weight gain, you will boost your strength and reduce recovery time after a workout.
This supplement is made of natural ingredients only.
Here you can see the ingredients:
- DigeZyme β improves your digestion and helps you absorb proteins faster for muscle growth
- Carb10 β prevents blood sugar spikes
- Senactivβ reduces muscle soreness
- AstraGin β improves nutrient absorption for faster weight gain
- Creatine Monohydrate β This is the most used creatine for weight gain.
This is one of the best weight gainers for skinny guys.
You can read more about Mass Gainer and check the price here.
How to Gain Weight Healthily – Bottom Line:
If you want to gain weight naturally you need to reach a balanced amount of muscle mass and not a pile of unhealthy fats.
You should eat foods high in proteins, and healthy carbs.
Also, you need to sleep well.
You should do strength workouts like deadlifting, squats, and bench press.
The best natural supplement for weight gain is Mass Gainer.

My name is Cliff and I am a personal coach, sports lover, fitness enthusiast and author of MusclesMagician. I have 15+ years of experience in fitness and bodybuilding and I want to share it with you. I am here to help you build muscles and lose fat faster.
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