LAST UPDATED: April 15th, 2022
If you want to gain muscles you probably think the gym is the right place to do that.
Of course, that’s logical.
But what if you are on a budget, or you don’t have time and you can’t go to the gym?
Can you build muscles at home without equipment?
Of course, you can.
You just need to do the right exercises, be creative, and be persistent.
So, let’s see what are the best exercises for muscle mass you can do at your home.
These exercises are the best bodyweight exercises you can do.
How to build your muscles at home?
Here are the best exercises for every muscle group:
Chest workouts at home:
The most famous exercise, perhaps.
A bodyweight alternative for bench press.
I guess you know how to do this exercise.
There are many push-ups variations, though.
Let’s check some of them.
T-push ups
How to do T-push ups?
First, position your body for a standard push-up.
Then, lower your body and when you start going back up lift your arm and rotate your body towards the ceiling. Repeat with your other arm.
The benefits of T-push ups are strong chest, arms, shoulders, and core.
If you are a beginner, I recommend starting with regular push-ups first.
Diamond push-ups
One of the best bodyweight exercises for triceps.
Start in a regular push-up position.
If you are in a lower position that will engage your arms, i.e. triceps more.
Diamond push-ups or triceps push-ups are performed by forming a triangle on the floor with your thumb and index finger.
PLYO push up
Again, start in a regular push up position, get down and when you push yourself back up your hands should leave the ground.
You will strengthen your core muscles and you will be closer to losing moobs.
Dive bomber push up
Position your body in a regular push-up position and form an inverse V letter with your hips.
This is your starting position.
As you lower your legs keep them straight.
Allow your arms to bend as you push forward while your chest should almost touch the ground (like a dive bomber).
Then return to the starting position.
Repeat as many times as you can.
Tempo push up
Start in a regular push-up position.
Lower down slowly and go up quickly.
Also, a very effective chest exercise.
You can do it easily somewhere in your house or in the yard.
And this exercise is not only good for your chest, but it’s one of the best exercises for triceps.
Leg workouts at home:
A classic exercise for your legs.
How to do it?
You can do it with your bodyweight to start.
After a few days, you can do it with dumbbells if you have some.
Or simply fill a bag with some heavy things you have and put it on your back.
Split squat
This is an effective hamstring bodyweight exercise.
How to do this exercise?
Keep your back straight, your legs together, and your arms close to your body.
Step up and squat until you form a 90-degree angle.
Go back to your starting position and then repeat the same with your other leg.
Like with squat, after a while add some weights.
Standing calf raise
This is the best calf exercise.
You just need a doorstep for this exercise.
What’s important here is to raise your heels so that you stand on your tiptoes and then to lower your heels to feel a stretch in your calves.
Back and shoulder workouts at home:
The best exercise for your back.
It also activates your shoulder muscles.
How to do this?
You can buy a pull-up bar and put it on the door.
Note: It will be hard to do even 1 rep in the beginning.
But don’t give up.
Someone can help you the first few days by holding your legs and slightly pushing you up.
You’ll be able to do your first pull-up soon.
If you want to read how I did my first pull-up click here.
Also, there are a few variations.
The wide grip, close grip, chin up are the best. (5)
Shoulder exercises
If you have dumbbells you can do the side lateral raise.
Don’t forget, shoulder muscles are activated when you do push ups, pull ups, dips.
Core and abs exercises at home:
You can do it anywhere.
Starting position:
Lie face down and then lift your body leaning on your elbows.
Your legs should be hip-width apart.
You need to hold that position for at least 30 seconds.
As you progress, increase to 1 minute.
There are different variations of the plank like side plank, forearm plank.
Also, when you get into shape you can do the weighted plank.
Reverse sit-ups
This exercise is great and at the same time demanding.
It affects the lower part of your abdomen.
Lie down on your back, slightly bend your legs and start lifting them up.
Now, start putting them down and hold for a few seconds before going back to your starting position.
Arms exercises at home
How to get bigger arms at home?
If you have some dumbbells you can do overhead triceps dumbbell extension for bigger triceps.
For biceps, you can do the biceps curl.
If you don’t have dumbbells don’t’ worry, your biceps and triceps will be targeted by doing pull-ups, push-ups, and dips.
Supplementation When You Exercise at Home
If you want to gain muscle mass faster you should combine the above-mentioned exercises with the best bodybuilding supplements.
If you think I will show you a steroid that will build your body overnight then you are wrong.
I suggest taking only natural supplements.
The best supplement to increase muscle mass (and keep that muscle) is definitely D-bal.
D-bal is the best natural alternative to the steroid Dianabol (best for muscle mass).
Thanks to the mix of powerful ingredients D-bal increases nitrogen retention in your muscles.
Nitrogen is essential for protein synthesis.
D-bal is safe and effective.
You can read more about D-bal here.
How to Build Muscles at Home – Bottom Line:
A gym membership can be useful, but you can grow muscles at home, as well.
If you combine the exercises mentioned above you can expect good results as time goes by.
If your goal is Mister Olympia body, then you need to hit the gym.
But, if that’s not your goal, working out at home it’s a great start.
Of course, you need to adjust your diet, too.
Anyway, start exercising.
The best bodyweight exercises to build muscle at home are:
- A different variations of push-ups – diamond, PLYO, dive bomber, tempo
- Dips
- Plank
- Pull-ups
- Squats
- Split Squats
- Standing calf raise
- Biceps curl
- Triceps overhead dumbbell extension
- Reverse sit-ups
When it comes to supplements, I suggest the best natural bulking supplement – D-bal.

My name is Cliff and I am a personal coach, sports lover, fitness enthusiast and author of MusclesMagician. I have 15+ years of experience in fitness and bodybuilding and I want to share it with you. I am here to help you build muscles and lose fat faster.
How can I do dips at home?