Bodybuilding Fitness

Best Home Workouts for Legs and Calves

Best Home Workouts for Legs

LAST UPDATED: May 23rd, 2022

Another article in the very popular niche these days – home workouts.

I already wrote an article about exercising at home during the coronavirus lockdown.

You can read that article here.

Also, I talked about the best home workouts for shoulders and back.

If you missed that one, click here.

Today I am gonna talk about the best home workouts for legs and calves. (1)

Why is important to do a leg workout during quarantine?

Exercises for legs are very important and not only for your looks.

Strong legs are the foundation of every strong body.

This implies that if you want a strong body you need to have strong legs.

Don’t skip leg day.

Actually, spend a whole day once per week doing exercises for legs.

Don’t let the quarantine be an excuse to skip leg day.

So, let’s see what are the best exercises for legs you should do during the quarantine.

Best home workouts for legs and calves


Bodyweight squats

A classic exercise for your legs.

How to do it?

You can do it with your body weight first.

After a few days, you can do it with dumbbells if you have some.

Or simply fill a bag with some heavy things you have and put it on your back.

Split squat

Bodyweight split squat

How to do this exercise?

Keep your back straight, your legs together, and your arms close to your body.

Step up and squat until you form a 90-degree angle.

Go back to your starting position and then repeat the same with your other leg.

Like with squat, after a while add some weights.

Standing calf raise

Standing calf raises


This is the best calf exercise.

You just need a doorstep for this exercise.

What’s important here is to raise your heels so that you stand on your tiptoes and then to lower your heels to feel a stretch in your calves.

Cardio exercises

Also, some cardio exercises will help you increase your leg muscles.

For these workouts, you will need to have some equipment like a treadmill and a stationary bike.

Running on a treadmill

Best cardio workouts for weight loss

The most important thing is that when you run you burn a lot of calories.

Especially if you run uphill at a faster pace.

Running is good for every leg muscle.

Stationary cycling

Cycling is a very useful cardio exercise for your stamina and endurance.

You can get a stationary bike at home and continue cycling during the lockdown.

Best Home Workouts for Legs and Calves – Bottom Line:

To build stronger and more muscular legs at try these workouts:

  • Squats and split squats
  • Standing calf raise
  • Cardio workouts
  • Treadmill running
  • Stationary cycling

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