Building muscle and sculpting your body starts long before you hit the gym.
It all begins with the muscle-building foods you’re putting in your body.
The right diet is just as crucial as your workout routine when it comes to getting results.
Don’t let those hard-earned reps go to waste.
To fuel muscle growth, focus on energy-rich foods and plenty of hydration alongside your lifting.
The journey to gaining muscle is all about what you eat before and after each session and how much effort you’re putting into every workout.
Good nutrition fuels you up, pumps up your muscles, burns fat, and even keeps your heart in top shape.
So, what should you eat to gain muscle naturally?
Let’s break down the foods that will maximize your training.
10 Best Foods to Build Muscles:
1. Eggs
Oh yeah, eggs.
The holy grail for every bodybuilder.
Eggs are a great source of easy-to-digest proteins.
They are on the top of the list because they consist of amino acids, and proteins of animal origin like meat, poultry, eggs, fish and dairy, provide the essential amino acids your body needs.
Eggs are one of the best testosterone-boosting foods.
Also, eggs are high in proteins and vitamins, as well as zinc, iron, and potassium, which makes them one of the most complete ingredients for building muscles.
Eggs contain all the essential fatty acids.
Lately, you must’ve heard that eating eggs too often isn’t healthy, but you should know that 1-2 eggs a day won’t raise your blood cholesterol level.
Egg whites are high in protein.
2. Red meat
Sports players have increased needs for meat since they lose more iron, so lack of iron is one of the most common problems amongst sports players.
One of the best sources of iron is red meat.
Meat is a very good source of proteins, and iron, which is vital for transferring oxygen to your muscles.
Meat is also a source of amino acids, including leucine, crucial when it comes to muscle growth.
I suggest you eat lean beef (it contains amino acids, B vitamins, and creatine).
3. Chicken breast
You intake 30 gr of proteins and a minimal amount of fat when you intake 100 gr of chicken breast.
This meat isn’t very expensive, it’s easy to prepare, and you can combine it with many other foods.
It is one of the best high-protein foods.
4. Turkey
Turkey is a rich source of proteins and it contains 11 vitamins and minerals.
In addition, it is high in selenium which, according to some new research, can prevent some kinds of cancer.
5. Salmon
Fish, especially salmon is one of the amazing ingredients that will build your muscles.
Salmon can help you pump your muscles and burn fat since it is a unique combination of omega 3 fatty acids, vitamin B, and high-quality proteins.
Salmon is a great source of protein.
The omega-3 fatty acids and the proteins will shake your lazy muscles, speed up your metabolism and you will get the results you want.
It will help you build muscles faster.
6. Quinoa
Quinoa is one of the most ideal ingredients for your muscles because it contains a lot of proteins and very little carbohydrates.
It is one of the best high-protein vegetarian foods for muscle building.
The proteins found in quinoa contain all 9 essential amino acids.
It also contains fibers, riboflavin, potassium, calcium, vitamin E, phosphorus, magnesium, folic acid, and beta-carotene.
Quinoa doesn’t contain gluten or cholesterol, which is why is so great when it comes to building and recovering your muscles.
It’s really delicious and easy to prepare. You can put it in soups or salads, or you can eat it with meat and green veggies.
7. Chocolate milk
The best sports drinks come from cow’s milk.
Milk is more effective than water or sports drinks when it comes to hydrating your body after training.
Milk, in general, contains electrolytes and magnesium, and chocolate milk, thanks to the chocolate contains the perfect balance of carbs, proteins, and fats which help your muscles recover after training.
Chocolate milk can help you boost your muscle mass.
Sounds too good to be true?
Chocolate milk is as efficient as sports drinks used for fighting exhaustion and improving the benefits of working out.
It provides your body with water, proteins, carbs, and calcium.
So, it can be useful for rehydrating, hypertrophy (growth of muscles), compensating glycogen and minerals, and it can be a source of nutrients between two series of exercises.
8. Pineapple
Pineapple is a good source of enzymes for digesting the protein called bromelain.
It has been shown that it relieves muscle inflammation, which means it’s good before and after training.
This tropical fruit is high in bromelain and papain, enzymes that not only help your digestive system with getting the best out of proteins, but they also have anti-inflammatory properties that speed up your muscle’s recovery after training.
So, these enzymes can help you build muscles, they are good for your digestion, and they are helpful for muscle inflammation.
All these characteristics make pineapple one of the best ingredients to eat after training.
9. Banana
Bananas can be a source of resistant starch, which is a functional food fiber with very positive effects on health.
It is also food with a high glycemic index and useful for regenerating glycogen after exercising, and all of this depends on how ripe the banana is.
If you eat 2 bananas you will have the energy for 90 minutes of hard training.
10. Almond
Almond is an excellent source of proteins and fats, but it also contains vitamin E which is good for your muscles.
This powerful antioxidant fights against free radicals and helps you recover faster after you exercise.
A handful of almonds a day will provide you with proteins, healthy fatty acids, fibers, and vitamin E.
The antioxidant properties of vitamin E help cell membranes to recover from oxidative stress such as exercising.
The faster your muscles recover the sooner you will go back to your everyday exercising routine.
How to Build Muscles Faster?
If you want faster and better results, I suggest you read more about the best bodybuilding supplements.
Of course, I am talking only about natural supplements.
These supplements contain all the necessary ingredients, vitamins, and minerals your body needs after a hard workout.
The best supplement for me is Dbal.
It has all the essential ingredients you can find in the above-mentioned foods, combined to work fast and safely.
D-Bal is the best natural alternative to the steroid Dianabol and one of the best bulking supplements.
Thanks to the mix of powerful ingredients, vitamins, and minerals D-Bal increases nitrogen retention in your muscles.
Nitrogen is essential for protein synthesis.
D-Bal is safe and effective.
You can read more about D-Bal and check the price here.

My name is Cliff and I am a personal coach, sports lover, fitness enthusiast and author of MusclesMagician. I have 15+ years of experience in fitness and bodybuilding and I want to share it with you. I am here to help you build muscles and lose fat faster.
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