LAST UPDATED: April 15th, 2022
Do you remember this guy?
This article is for all the guys who want to build strong and big forearms like Popeye.
Today I’ll show you the best exercises for forearms.
Why should you do forearms exercises?
Well, if you have massive arms you need to build your forearms, as well.
That will give you a better look, but it will also make you stronger.
Also, it will make doing other exercises easier that will help you build muscle mass on other parts such as back, shoulders, and biceps. (1)
You can stimulate your forearms with exercises like biceps curls, rowing, pull-ups.
But to get better results you need to add special exercises to your workout (especially if your forearms are your weak spot).
When should you do these exercises?
Add these exercises to the end of every workout or do one workout only with these exercises. (2)
Take a break between sets, 60 seconds maximum.
You will need no more than 15 minutes to do these exercises.
It is best to do 3 sets with 10-12 reps. (3)
So, let’s start.
5 Best Forearms Exercises for Men:
1. Seated wrist curl
You can do the seated wrist curl with a barbell, cable, or dumbbells.
The upside of using dumbbells is that you can use them when you aren’t fully able to turn your forearm and you have difficulties using the barbell.
Simply grab the dumbbells with hands shoulder width apart, lean your forearms on a bench or your thighs so that your arms can bend toward the floor.
Grasp the dumbbells firmly and start extending your forearms lowering the dumbbells toward the floor.
Bring the dumbbells back to the starting position which will contract your muscles.
Try to avoid sudden movements since you can get injured easily.
Check the video:
2. Reverse seated wrist curl
Similar to the seated wrist curl, you can do the reverse seated wrist curl with your hands face down.
How to do this exercise?
- Hold the dumbbells (the cable, or the barbell) with your forearms leaning on a bench or your thighs
- Hold your hands parallel to the floor, lower the dumbbells and let your muscles stretch
- Then start lifting the weight and go back to the starting position.
Remember, control your moves and don’t swing the dumbbells.
A tip: Increase the intensity by holding the muscles contraction for a few seconds.
You don’t need to use big weights, anyway, you will feel the burn afterward.
Check the video:
3. Hammer curl
This is an exercise usually done for biceps workout, but it’s really good for your forearms, too.
It engages your brachialis and brachioradialis alongside with your biceps.
Grab the dumbbells and do the exercise as you are holding hammers.
4. Reverse curl
Another great exercise and an alternative to the hammer curl is the reverse barbell curl.
Do the reverse barbell curl with a reverse grip on the barbell with hands about shoulder width apart.
Choose a moderate weight and do it right.
A tip: I recommend to do the reverse barbell curl on the Scott bench.
You won’t be able to cheat by using the Scott bench 😉
And again, choose a moderate weight since this exercise can be pretty tough with big weights.
5. Farmer’s walk
This is one of the basic exercises for the strongman competitions which improves your strength and muscle endurance.
Grasp the dumbbells and simply walk.
Your body needs to be straight while moving.
It also needs to be tight and it’s better to do smaller steps.
If you choose to do it with big weights, watch on your back during lifting and lowering weights.
Best Forearms Exercises – Bottom Line:
Forearm exercises are very important.
If your forearm muscles aren’t built enough, that can ruin your chances of building a strong body.
Plus, by building your forearms you get stronger handgrip which means you can do exercises like deadlifting, rowing, or pull-ups more easily.
The best workouts for big and strong forearms are:
- Seated wrist curl
- Reverse seated wrist curl
- Hammer curl
- Reverse curl
- Farmer’s walk
How to Build Insane Forearms (and body) Faster?
If you want to gain muscle mass faster you should combine the above-mentioned exercises with the best bodybuilding supplements. (5)
If you think I will show you a steroid that will build your body overnight then you are wrong.
I suggest taking only natural supplements.
The best supplement to increase muscle mass (and keep that muscle) is definitely D-bal.
D-bal is the best natural alternative to the steroid Dianabol (best for muscle mass).
Thanks to the mix of powerful ingredients D-bal increases nitrogen retention in your muscles.
Nitrogen is essential for protein synthesis.
D-bal is safe and effective.
You can read more about D-bal here.

My name is Cliff and I am a personal coach, sports lover, fitness enthusiast and author of MusclesMagician. I have 15+ years of experience in fitness and bodybuilding and I want to share it with you. I am here to help you build muscles and lose fat faster.
Great especially hammer curl